
热搜: dim 原套 自配
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十字绣日记 今日: 0|主题: 12170|排名: 5 

版主: 雪团
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[开工] 为我新败的小木盒绣个LAN~ attachment agree  ...23456 rei_january 2013-4-7 884876 lydiadawn 2013-4-16 21:21
[开工] {终极梦想班}——欧洲小镇 attachment agree  ...234 护士小葵 2013-3-15 551725 护士小葵 2013-4-16 13:54
[开工] 开工前的照片 attachment jimmy11070 2013-3-2 6728 jimmy11070 2013-4-15 22:03
[更新] DIM 3892To Have and To Hold Wedding Record attachment agree lyndia 2013-3-8 11564 lyndia 2013-4-15 14:54
[开工] 甜风2013绣绣日记 attachment agree sweetwind 2013-3-22 6530 sweetwind 2013-4-15 11:46
[更新] 甜风2013绣绣日记 attachment sweetwind 2013-3-22 7478 sweetwind 2013-4-15 11:43
[开工] [午后微醺]DIM-雪夜 attachment  ...2 午后微醺 2013-3-12 271206 奶油冰淇淋 2013-4-14 17:31
[更新] 国产套件 春天精准印花 连年有余-清幽荷香 attachment  ...2 cotoi 2013-4-12 161008 cotoi 2013-4-13 11:37
[开工] 【木素】XIU荷塘清影 attachment agree  ...23456..8 木木素 2013-4-12 1105012 isabella1006 2013-4-13 11:36
[开工] My cross stitch attachment Loowanying 2013-4-12 8366 Loowanying 2013-4-12 16:11
[停工] STC欧洲小镇开工 attachment agree  ...234 小媛 2013-4-9 512513 毛毛虫儿 2013-4-11 23:12
[开工] 石头的“绝代佳人”开工喽(3月10日更新喽)。。。 attachment agree  ...23456..10 疯狂石头 2012-2-17 1464955 黑色曼陀罗 2013-4-11 22:53
[更新] 【武林大会】孤行只影DIM13728 Baby Blue Jays 三只肥鸟 attachment agree  ...2 acer 2013-2-23 211400 acer 2013-4-11 15:03
[开工] 【fan】2013.NO.1—DIM—A YEAR OF EVENTS(2013.4.10更新APRIL) attachment agree  ...2 fhfanny 2013-1-5 15640 beibei1314 2013-4-11 13:34
[开工] [June]繁华似锦,霓虹如梦——我的MAIA孔雀 attachment agree  ...23 june1111 2013-2-26 391783 only雨 2013-4-11 09:59
[更新] 【信子】武林大会 真武七截阵 又名 集齐武当七侠送张爷爷 attachment  ...2 hyath 2013-2-23 151101 bluemeimei 2013-4-11 08:42
[更新] 花匠的家..仅仅为了记录及激励自己.(完工) attachment agree  ...234 mally22 2012-11-13 511951 ye12303 2013-4-10 20:38
[更新] 【饺】花心一记,DIM6994熊船长,嘻……【3-28】更 attachment agree  ...23 白菜馅饺子 2013-3-15 351284 饭团 2013-4-10 19:03
[更新] 滴水观音,第二次绣了,加油! attachment 绣线的生活 2013-4-9 13669 翁小米 2013-4-10 10:00
[更新] ★花心蓝★花花世界之--DFEA鸢尾 attachment agree  ...234 一抹幽蓝 2010-4-13 502157 彩云飘飘 2013-4-9 23:43
[更新] 【天堂の兰】日记!DIM70-35275新娘捧花o(≧v≦)o[58] attachment agree  ...23 阿鸭鸭 2012-7-10 381868 阿鸭鸭 2013-4-9 08:58
[更新] 【dudusnoopy】barbara ana - twoheartsonelove——4月8日更新! attachment agree dudusnoopy 2013-3-6 14583 dudusnoopy 2013-4-8 20:05
[更新] 太白的第一次日记帖~罂粟花园(4.7七楼更新) attachment agree  ...23456..7 太白忘情 2012-8-27 1033243 太白忘情 2013-4-7 20:12
[更新] hae装饰花环,动手首发~开贴兼更新~ attachment  ...234 kimsonger 2013-4-5 572397 waxdoll 2013-4-7 19:18
[开工] (杂志图)在水一方【更新至4.6日】 attachment  ...2 少爷他娘 2013-4-6 21769 suoaiwenmi 2013-4-7 17:42
[更新] [小娜]DIM35162密林Go Go Go~ attachment agree  ...23456..8 lena-xiaokui 2011-11-4 1095052 lena-xiaokui 2013-4-7 13:15
[开工] DIM65038 小金毛 attachment 妞来妞往 2013-4-2 13609 kekenokia 2013-4-6 08:58
[开工] DIM72373小抱枕 attachment indylee 2013-4-5 6514 zhuzhu520 2013-4-6 08:52
[更新] 【CherryS】~抱枕来咯~第一季! attachment agree  ...23 cherrysmile 2013-3-27 391488 cherrysmile 2013-4-6 08:35
[更新] 【小手娃娃】红火迎新年——中华第一福 重新开工 attachment agree  ...234 happylemon0414 2011-12-21 571644 happylemon0414 2013-4-6 01:22
[更新] 绣的好无聊 attachment agree Wennie-hh 2013-4-3 9649 Wennie-hh 2013-4-5 19:05
[开工] Oo.涡涡.oO DIM 13715 鸟窝鸟窝.. - [阅读权限 250]attachment agree  ...2 梨丶涡涡 2013-4-1 27674 慢蜗牛 2013-4-5 10:53
[更新] 【精灵】LA34302 绣球花和草帽 Hydrangea/bench(11/30完工) attachment agree  ...234 精灵多多 2012-6-18 522472 青青子佩 2013-4-5 10:05
[开工] 【天堂の兰】日记!山寨DIM65015——我山寨我快乐 attachment agree 阿鸭鸭 2012-5-30 14764 阿鸭鸭 2013-4-4 23:51
[开工] 【天堂の兰】日记!为了练习缝合的包子——转角针插 attachment 阿鸭鸭 2012-8-2 131047 土豆熊 2013-4-4 23:45
[开工] dim玩具屋开工70-08900 attachment agree  ...23 水蜜桃yaya 2013-4-3 361713 饭团 2013-4-4 10:30
[开工] thanks mom~绣完送人~ attachment  ...23 Wennie-hh 2013-3-31 301658 Wennie-hh 2013-4-3 21:20
[更新] 【三毛】6月1日新开,DIM-13731《老鼠在行动》,儿童节礼物! attachment agree  ...23456..7 黑毳 2010-6-1 902959 肥腩 2013-4-3 01:01
[停工] 【小雯子28】我的2013,MVS糖果屋停建,待种好向日葵花田~ attachment agree  ...23456..12 winnie28 2013-2-8 1744458 妞妞妈 2013-4-2 10:58
[更新] MAIA 孔雀。更新啦!!! attachment agree  ...2345 小愛 2012-12-25 722467 sweetwind 2013-4-2 10:33
[更新] 卡套 attachment 雪舞 2013-4-1 7409 happylemon0414 2013-4-2 10:21
[开工] Bucilla 43092——花环心 attachment agree  ...2 ✿三色堇✿ 2013-2-17 24996 ✿君子兰✿ 2013-4-1 14:26
[更新] 【猫猫】❤七夕❤高贵婚礼【4.1更】 attachment  ...2 starsecret 2012-8-23 221067 starsecret 2013-4-1 11:58
[开工] 【童J】新年开新图之DIM大金:35223 attachment agree  ...23456 童童1994 2013-1-7 812313 童童1994 2013-4-1 09:40
[扫P] 『慢绣雷蹲』六尺,只要有绣就更!4楼10月31号第12更 attachment agree  ...23456..18 慢绣雷蹲 2012-5-28 2657401 beibei1314 2013-3-30 23:48
[更新] ANC 茶具 TEA SAMPLER attachment agree  ...23 猫人妈 2013-3-29 411722 猫人妈 2013-3-30 17:21
[开工] DIM 密林 attachment agree  ...23 雪影敖菊 2013-2-20 391319 迷悟 2013-3-29 23:07
[开工] 欧洲小镇 attachment agree  ...23 吸烟为戒毒 2013-3-22 411584 粉粉胭脂 2013-3-29 18:17
[开工] ANC树叶系列 attachment agree  ...2 吸烟为戒毒 2013-3-22 23909 linkangqian 2013-3-29 17:52
[更新] 【CherryS】我...又开新了...DIM 35184 一篮纸猫...... attachment agree  ...234 cherrysmile 2013-3-6 481809 cherrysmile 2013-3-29 14:30
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