
热搜: dim 原套 自配
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十字绣日记 今日: 0|主题: 12172|排名: 33 

版主: 雪团
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[更新] [橙子]Chatelaine Design Onl130 旧式英格兰喷泉玫瑰园 attachment agree  ...23456..9 橙色工作室 2015-6-28 1267753 时光微转 2017-9-8 18:52
[更新] ◡‿◡✿:Châtelaine Designs ❤Mushroom & Fern Mandala✎蘑菇 attachment agree  ...23 呜喵 2017-9-4 301699 青鸟在飞 2017-9-7 10:11
[更新] &康丽侠女&梦想家园6之art M249 Blooming Town开工 attachment agree 康丽侠女 2017-8-4 10691 妮芙提蒂 2017-9-5 20:37
[更新] 师奶手作 之俄套之小仓鼠~集齐一套召唤神龙~ attachment  ...23 bibibaba 2017-5-15 312125 bibibaba 2017-9-5 16:42
[更新] 【风吟】RL34 月光女神 attachment agree  ...23 风吟琴止 2016-5-9 412911 jing_0917 2017-9-5 09:54
[开工] ***emilylin97 dim 70-65161 Cabin View attachment emilylin97 2017-9-3 11896 emilylin97 2017-9-5 08:30
[开工] DIM 70-08920开工啦!!!! attachment agree  ...2 SUKI615 2017-8-25 17944 SUKI615 2017-9-4 16:10
[开工] 【辞骨】SO-3221 attachment 冉静 2017-9-2 6498 shenanna_24 2017-9-4 12:51
[更新] [yame]{高仿} Dim13666.维多利亚的房子 attachment  ...2 yame 2017-8-19 181495 yame 2017-9-4 11:58
[更新] 【cello0408】SODA3225开工 attachment agree cello0408 2017-9-1 9495 cello0408 2017-9-4 09:52
[开工] Fruit &Floral Wreath 1 很抱歉,近段时间都没办法再绣了 attachment  ...2345 喵小满 2017-8-18 632994 cxr5844_cn 2017-9-3 11:07
[更新] 清明上河图全图新年第一更 attachment agree  ...23456..12 云无心 2013-2-3 17427759 zerozql 2017-9-2 13:34
[更新] MD85❤Mermaids of the Deep Blue - [阅读权限 255]attach_img 语文靓宛 2017-9-2 4666 maybaby 2017-9-2 13:21
[扫P] 【素颜】穆斯林十字绣 attachment 素颜丶Queen 2017-9-2 9665 妮芙提蒂 2017-9-2 11:35
[开工] DIM 70-65158 开工 attachment sky箬凌 2017-9-1 3446 susansun 2017-9-1 23:48
[开工] la23002天使母子 attachment amybaby 2017-9-1 8541 susansun 2017-9-1 23:47
[开工] 【Irene】VE商店街之花店 attachment  ...2 jing_0917 2017-8-16 181217 jing_0917 2017-8-31 10:43
[更新] 【雪莉】MD139 - The Raven Queen 乌鸦女王 attachment agree  ...23 vn507479 2017-7-21 312352 shenanna_24 2017-8-29 13:15
[开工] 任务接龙三期 attachment 吸烟为戒毒 2017-6-18 4488 shenanna_24 2017-8-29 11:09
[开工] 【琦琦】DIM3843 attachment 丶兮琦琦 2017-6-8 141260 shenanna_24 2017-8-29 11:08
[更新] 克利姆特《吻》一更 attachment douding 2017-8-28 10595 大猫猫 2017-8-29 07:23
[更新] 【紫竹】DIM70-65130大公鸡与向日葵 attachment  ...2 金鼎紫竹 2017-8-5 17986 金鼎紫竹 2017-8-28 20:19
[更新] 【薇薇】Dim 70-35296 [暮色剪影] attachment agree  ...234 Helen薇 2015-10-17 543418 玫瑰的灰烬 2017-8-27 09:37
[扫P] DIM 70 65157 attachment SUKI615 2017-8-25 6648 emilylin97 2017-8-26 01:09
[更新] 【Yvonne.L】法杂厨房图~Bonbeur dans la cuisine attachment  ...2 osulee 2017-5-8 261577 jing_0917 2017-8-25 18:39
[更新] merriment的日记1--dim35250 attachment merriment8717 2010-2-9 131001 shenanna_24 2017-8-25 17:27
[更新] 许愿瓶--金手指新图3x012 attachment  ...234 子卿 2017-6-30 542706 子卿 2017-8-25 16:58
[扫P] 【Irene】Permin单色大熊猫28ct小格半针绣 attachment jing_0917 2017-8-24 5795 懒懒的茜茜 2017-8-25 16:54
[开工] Dim6959 紫绣球 attachment 毛家小西 2017-6-18 14906 yoyo葵 2017-8-25 14:17
[更新] 【熙子】Châtelaine Designs Greek Mandalal attachment agree  ...234 599260248 2017-5-2 452416 599260248 2017-8-25 09:53
[更新] 【洛潇小月亮】MD80 Lily of the Woods attachment  ...23 洛潇小月亮 2016-10-11 302242 洛潇小月亮 2017-8-25 09:36
[更新] 【Kinny绣绣】DIM 8733圣诞归来 attachment kinny_liang 2017-3-25 13844 zerozql 2017-8-24 13:59
[更新] DIM 70-35291【大金No.1】Aurora attach_img  ...2 遗失的梦梦 2017-8-15 241376 遗失的梦梦 2017-8-23 16:00
[更新] ***emilylin97 MH14-1613 strawberry attachment  ...2 emilylin97 2017-8-22 151071 Qpfyl 2017-8-23 08:32
[更新] DIM-13596.来赶个尾巴。 attachment seyoulala313 2017-7-26 9929 Hupoooo 2017-8-22 21:57
[开工] 【酥小柔】【哀风逝】结婚纪念PK日记 attachment  ...2 哀风逝 2017-8-20 20937 yoyo葵 2017-8-22 15:25
[更新] 【紫竹】伊斯坦布尔大堡 attachment agree  ...2 金鼎紫竹 2017-8-5 281382 yoyo葵 2017-8-22 12:47
[开工] DIM6709-母亲杯 attachment  ...2 布朗尼 2017-8-15 261288 一笼菠萝包 2017-8-22 10:09
[更新] Véronique Enginger 在月光下 attachment  ...2 洋洋洋 2017-8-18 161161 野原葵 2017-8-20 11:29
[更新] ‘LynnJiao'荷兰TG大堡《伊斯坦布尔》36CT麻布 attachment agree  ...23 LynnJiao 2015-9-28 434350 yoyo葵 2017-8-19 20:17
[更新] {AMBER}DIM MOTHER EARTH地球母亲~~~一更 attachment agree  ...23 ambercrystal 2013-8-13 442275 yoyo葵 2017-8-19 11:30
[扫P] 【Boomi】今天绣花了吗?-前记 attachment agree 夏菁言 2017-8-17 14795 暮七七丶 2017-8-18 13:41
[扫P] DIM 3217 大双心 attachment  ...2 shenanna_24 2017-8-15 20897 呜喵 2017-8-16 22:40
[开工] Eの---RIOLIS-PT0018 attachment agree erin 2017-8-15 10654 布朗尼 2017-8-16 14:16
[更新] ▲△Chatelaine Design - Alpine Seasons Garden 群山环抱下的美▲△ attachment agree  ...23456..43 zhulala 2013-3-17 64356975 jing_0917 2017-8-16 11:01
[开工] 【初夏】瑜伽娃娃 attachment lamiacherry 2017-8-11 10494 默默灬爱 2017-8-16 08:23
[更新] 【天澄】世界风光之巴西里约海滩 attachment  ...2 annaballer 2013-7-16 161091 douding 2017-8-15 17:54
[更新] 【洛潇小月亮】宝贝成长史 attachment  ...234 洛潇小月亮 2016-9-28 502522 洛潇小月亮 2017-8-15 11:10
[更新] 【椒椒】拉菲夫人- 圣诞老人来了 2017-8-12 2更 attachment  ...2 椒椒 2017-8-6 151208 shenanna_24 2017-8-15 11:10
[开工] dim四季花环原套开工啦 attachment  ...2 爱音 2016-9-20 281492 spring_xjc 2017-8-14 17:20
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